
About Distriblend

The Client application running on Windows

Distriblend is a Java application designed to set up and manage a renderfarm for Blender. It is written in Java and as such the Java Runtime Environment is required. Other than having Blender installed, this is the only requirement for creating a renderfarm with Distriblend.

The system works on a variety of platforms - wherever Java may be installed. It has been mainly tested on Windows but has been used by many on Linux and other platforms.

Download Now

The latest release of Distriblend is available from the download page now.

Distriblend is licensed under the GNU General Public Licence. You are free to use the software as you wish at no cost, provided you give proper credit to the authors and license any derivative works under the same or later version of the GPL.

How It Works

There are three components to the Distriblend system.

The Client
A user friendly application for submitting your projects to the renderfarm.
The Distributor
The main server. This application accepts connections from the Client and organises file and task distribution for each Node.
Each node connects itself to the Distributor and when free, requests the next task to run. When a set of files is needed to complete a task, these are also requested from the Distributor.


Both the Distributor and Node applications implement a storage system for maintaining project files. The root directory of the storage structure is configured in the respective *.conf file. The applications must have permission to read, write, delete and create sub-directories here.

The Distributor holds the following file structure.